29 April 2010


This is a thing I found that I wrote on 2 September, 2007. That was almost three years ago. What have I even done since then?

I want to take the train cross-country with my grandpa and soak up all his stories so that someone will be there to tell them again when he dies.

I want to go to Seattle where it really doesn't rain that much or that hard and take so many pictures like if I'd never been there before. I want to go up in a tall building and take pictures of the spaceneedle and go up in the spaceneedle and take pictures of tall buildings and then piece them together and make a whole new skyline that no one would dare to recognize.

I want to go to France and pretend I'm pretending to be American and chain-smoke cigarettes.

I want to go to England and smile and have tea and crumpets.

I want to go someplace I've never been before, seeing as I've never really been anywhere.

I want to go to Ann Arbor, Michigan because it seems like a pretty nice place but no one ever really acts like they want to be there.


  1. to go to England?

  2. it took me like four times reading over to realize to what you were referring.

    I tip my hat off to you, Sir Kelsey Grammar.

  3. do not talk to strangers. be true to your (moby) dick. do not let other fellows touch you (with the possible exception of wealthy men and fellows with advanced degrees in comparative literature).
