09 May 2010

THE LITTLE THINGS: Zodiac (Fincher, 2007)

I was wondering if this is a duplicate of that actual newspaper edition, and whether David Fincher or the production designer or art/set decorators would go to that much trouble, and then I realized that most people are not as obsessive about the little things as I am, and that most people would not care about this, or even think to.

Also, I totally forgot a McPoyle is in this movie!

I totes IMDbd him after seeing it in theatres, too. But I hadn't started watching Always Sunny yet and I guess he hadn't been in anything of note by that point to check out from the library.

And some things that I noticed in the credits, cos I read the credits:

Everyone should read Robert Graysmith's book(s). Not for the serial killer facts, or because they're written in especially beautiful prose or something, but because of the hilariously excessive amount of detail he gives about every single goddamn thing.

Also, David Shire performed his own solos!

His score was seriously underused in this film, though.

Like, David Shire is amazing, his compositions are amazing, fracking use them. They just kind of randomly pop up, and not enough to really establish any kind of musical motif that could have been useful in this otherwise jumbled, messy, sprawling sort of movie.

And when was this song in there?

Possibly best (or worst) job ever:

And if I were the kind of person who had a car (or even knew how to drive), I would want Jake Gyllensmith's car:

I'd go for a ride with you, Robbie boy.

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