14 July 2010

I've Got a Lexical Liking for Ya: These Words Feel Good in My Mouth

Want to sell me anything?

Just drizzle your pitch with some of the words below, sir!

pocket, chimney, mittens, puffin, kitten, muffin, English, England, British, Britain, Irish, Ireland, Scottish, Scotland, Welsh, mouse, autumn, winter, cottage, delight, nutmeg, tweed, whimsical, sweater, knitting, crumpet, tea, dreary, button, plaid, cloak, coat, jacket, boots, sneakers, wool, woolen, woolly, charming, charmer, delightful, meadow, snow, leaves, cat, cats, scamper, hedgehog, willow, widow, spinster, bucket, books, library, little, corner, shier, hobbit, trolley, train, trundle, moss, burrow, meek, feeble, fellow, sir, lady, morning, pipe, cheer, cheers, cheery, chairs, bramble, ale, pub, crisp, chip, oak, wooden, puppet, chipper, castle, pal, friendly, church, town, village, nice, cider, spiced, circus, market, London, frack, clackity, clarinet, galoshes, gray, grey, beret, chapeau, sniffles, handkerchief, wicker, fox, foxy, patch, harmonica, custard, Manhattan, basket, nimble, thimble, stranger, hearty, herbal, camper, Christmas, tiny, faerie, wardrobe, cupboard, cabinet, breakfast, supper, wick, candle, eave, scrumptious, comic, wrinkle, crinkle, elsewhere, Benjamin, match, matches, matchbook, knight, night, slumber, September, November, cobweb, owlet, puddle, muddle, medley, meddle, bungalow, bumble, pyjamas, eleven, sparrow, thyme, parsley, parsnip, biscuit, shepherd, goose, gosling, ginger, gingerly, cheshire, smoke, smokey, smoking, cumbersome, chomp, post, bungle, carpet, badger, bother, mother, father, kipper, kip, brilliant, hilarious, jokes, snack, nap, snap, snapper, cracker, crack, crackle, chicken, kitchen, sweep, rambunctious, mellow, letter, mantle, stove, oven, pack, thrifty, crafty, clever, chickadee, beginning, mutton, sleigh, painted, home, prancing, wildebeest, gnashers, tinsel, doily, knob, elves, elven, curtain, cup, ladle, riddle, bobbin, barrow, mushroom, winsome, creek, wolf, woof, roof

JUST ME: ghost, moustache, awkward, lonely, Swedish, Finnish, Icelandic, Scandinavian, boxy, bicycle, cubic, chump, cinema, city, clack, clerk, cassette, hat, harpsichord, buster, box, danger, crumple, staple, shark, watch, conversation, bench, baggage, snatch, elevator, escalator, shrub, chase, shelves, cap, chap, choice

JUST TANYA: kettle, enchanting, Norse, garden, buckle, butter-brickle, buttery, medieval, loft, brier, fig, apothecary, emporium, menagerie, primrose, cauldron, cathedral, chuckle, spider, spidery, banquet, feast, tower, pumpkin, lord, forest, stew, stone, Halloween, crumble, dot, cocoa, fairy, sorcerer, copper, October, December, cobbler, bumblebee, cookie, gooseberry, ducklings, epitaph, celestial, wobble, roast, roasted, haven, treacle, crystallized, pickle, magnificent, comet, pugnacious, nappy, grackle, warmth, witchcraft, moon, root, bell, velvet, trinket, embers, cupcakes, drizzle, tartlet, piglet, icicle, gander, cane, ribbon, hazel, billowing

Or if, alternately, you are not at all interested in my patronage, then just throw a couple of these verbal bastards in the mix:


(You ain't getting any of my coin with that kind of lip!)

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