01 July 2010


It started with an unhealthy obsession for Jason Lee's moustache.

Just look at that beautiful thing.

It also ended with that fixation still in tact, but my love for all things facial hair fructified* into a two-week period in which a very unwholesome amount of My Name is Earl was watched.

I might someday get around to watching the end of the fourth season, but I might not. Cos Earl really isn't that great of a show. It suffers from trying to be a comedy program, but having a premise revolving around an unfunny guy. Episodes are best when they're not about Earl, but due to the structure and name of the program, his character can't ever be booted off. (The basic plot: Earl Hickey spent his life subscribing to crime and basic jackassery, then one day he wins the lottery but gets hit by a car and decides to be a better person by devoting himself and his winnings to righting his wrongs. It's all explained in the opening credits.) Essentially every supporting character is really hilarious, and the writing is actually very smart, like sometimes Arrested Development smart, just not "good for being a show about hicks in a trailer park." And the writers don't forget anything.** There will be something taken as an off-hand joke that will become a multi-episode story-arc two seasons later. These guys are good. But even top-notch jokes and attention to detail can't compensate for the fact that you're on the writing staff for what's basically just a prime-time 100 Deeds for Eddie McDowd.

Yeah, but here are some little background things that made me laugh a little too much:

...And I have more.

*do not know if I used this word correctly, but alliteration, man.
**okay, there was one thing, that Randy was good at graffiti, but that technically wasn't "forgotten," it just wasn't exploited when it could have been in a later episode... I really need to work on not being me

1 comment:

  1. in tact = intact?
    fructify = come to fruition?
