15 December 2010

THINGS THAT ARE MY LIFE: People Talking on the Phone

How do you know it is finals week?

Well, besides life repeatedly punching you in the face, there's always finding yourself, at four in the morning, looking at my new-favorite bloggue: People Talking on the Phone.

It's exactly what it sounds like:

Precisely why is this so appealing? Does it speak to some unconscious desire, some repressed telephonic fetish, some dial-tone longing? Really, I think People Talking on the Phone, in showing us images of only one end of these telephone communications, calls up that uncomfortable truth that we can only ever really know our own one side of a conversation; that in every connection we make, we are still truly alone.

Also most of the pictures coming from Twin Peaks doesn't hurt. And there's the fact that it's four in the morning.

PTOTP's author Allison Maplesden also has another blog, in which she posts ink paintings of female celebrities, based on images from gossip magazines. If you liked the phones, then you might like this.


  1. The latest is a Star Trek Next Generation image, naturally I am intrigued. I think it tells us of the human condition which limits us to our own point of view, revealing how much people want to be heard by others and yet aren’t willing to extend the same courtesy as they don’t listen so much as wait their turn to speak again.

    Then again, it could just be talking on the phone.

  2. I think you've probably got it.

    Also: yip yips.
